Vocational high school 2 — Social, economic, technical

A step towards higher qualification

In this course, you have the opportunity to take a step towards a higher qualification with your entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences and at least two years of completed vocational training. The Berufsoberschule II leads to a subject-specific or general higher education entrance qualification, so that you can either work in a higher-qualified position in the vocational field you have learned or study at a university of applied sciences or university.

  • Applicants need a higher education entrance qualification or an equivalent recognized qualification,
  • Applicants must fulfill the admission requirements for Berufsoberschule I or the dual vocational high school,
  • Applicants can repeat the subject-specific or general higher education entrance qualification examinations once,
  • The specialization resulting from the previous vocational training can be changed if a one-year internship has been completed and an aptitude test has been passed beforehand.
  • Subject-specific higher education entrance qualification (without 2nd foreign language)
    The “Fachgebundene Hochschulreife” is acquired with the completion of BOS II, unless a second foreign language (usually French or Spanish) is successfully demonstrated to a sufficient extent.
  • General higher education entrance qualification (only with 2nd foreign language)
    The prerequisite for attending these additional qualifying lessons at BOS II is prior knowledge of French (160 lessons), e.g. through successful attendance of the French course at BOS I or comparable proof.
    As an alternative to French lessons at BOS II, proof of 4 years of French lessons (relevant for transfer / no AG) at lower secondary level can also be provided if the final grade is “sufficient” or better.

1 year full-time tuition

Total number of hours*
German/Communication (K) 160
English (K) 240
Mathematics (K) 240
Religious education/ethics (G) 80
Social studies (G) 80
Sport (G) 80
Biology or Chemistry or Physics (G)** 80
Business Administration/

Information Processing (K)



Accounting (K) 120
Social services
Biology or Chemistry or Physics (G)** 80
Pedagogy (K) 200
Psychology (K) 160
Additional qualification to acquire the

general higher education entrance qualification

French (G) 160

(K) = core subject
(G) = basic subject
* = based on 40 school weeks
** = according to the school’s possibilities

The BOS II classes go on a five-day study trip. The destination and study focus will be announced at the beginning of the school year.

The final examination takes place in written and oral form.

Written exam

Supervisory work in the subjects

  • German / Communication
  • English
  • Mathematics

and additionally in the respective subject area

  • Business Administration / Information Processing or
  • Pedagogy

The oral examination can cover all subjects on the timetable, with the exception of sport.

Business specialization

  • Bachelor/Master/Diploma
    • Business and social science degree programs: including
    • Industrial engineering, information technology and mathematics.
    • Statistics
    • Teaching degree at vocational schools: Economics and social science subjects each as vocational subjects

Specialization in social services

  • Bachelor/Master/Diploma
    • Education, psychology, biology, biochemistry
    • Teaching degree at vocational schools:
    • Social pedagogy, nursing, health
    • Teaching degree for special education

Study places are allocated according to the regulations of the respective university. Please obtain the necessary information for yourself.