School social work at the BBS Alice Salomon

At our school, it is very important to us to provide every individual, be it students, teachers or parents/guardians, with a range of counseling and support services. School social work is available at our school for this purpose. All services are voluntary, free of charge and subject to confidentiality!

Contact person for all pupils

  • for personal concerns
  • for problems in the family, with friends and with yourself
  • in conflicts with classmates, legal guardians and teachers
  • for dispute resolution (mediation)
  • for school difficulties
  • in the transition from school to work
  • in cooperation and mediation with extracurricular institutions (youth welfare office, juvenile court assistance, counseling centers, career counseling, etc.)

Contact person for parents/guardians

  • in educational and life issues
  • Establishing the necessary contacts to advice centers and other assistance

Cooperation partner for teachers

  • in socio-educational issues
  • for information, advice and referral to extracurricular institutions

Focus on Neuwied as a place of learning

Stefanie Härtel
Dipl. Soz. Arb. (FH)

Neuwied office: Administration wing first floor (please enquire at the school office)

0151 4 2201793

Focus on Linz as a place of learning

Stefan Meichsner
Dipl. Soz. Arb. (FH)

Linz office: accessible via a separate entrance below the school

0178 346 9088
02644 9528-20