Friends of the ASS

The Friends of the Alice Salomon School

"Small things can make a big difference"

The Alice Salomon School Support Association has been around since 1988. Its Board of Directors is composed as follows:

  • Claudia Scheidt (Chairwoman of the Management Board)
  • Henning Becker (Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board)
  • Christoph Weidinger (Treasurer)
  • Alisa Krämer (Secretary)
  • Jörg Goldelius (representative of the teaching staff)

What are our goals?

We promote:

  • School projects and working groups (AGs)
  • support excursions to extracurricular places of learning
  • enable the financing of teaching materials that benefit the entire school community

In this way, we actively contribute to shaping school life!

We therefore invite all parents, alumni and friends, students and teachers to actively participate in the Förderkreis with their ideas and to donate, as this secures the financial basis for the work of our association.

All of the funds used are exclusively for the benefit of our pupils!