Congratulations to Michael Theophanous

At the first staff meeting of the new school year, principal Doris Schulte-Schwering thanked Michael Theophanous for his 25 years of service to the school and congratulated him on his achievements.
Mr. Theophanous studied education at the University of Koblenz and completed his teacher training in education and psychology in Freiburg. He has been teaching at the BBS Alice Salomon since 2002. Over the years, he has played a leading role in shaping and developing the curriculum for curative education with a great team. He has recently demonstrated his high level of innovative expertise once again with the project “EMMA” – Einfach mal machen: Accessibility in social spaces. This was researched by groups of students in the greater Neuwied area and in some cases even positively changed.
Mr. Theophanous has also been committed to the entire school: On the local staff council, as data protection officer and as a mentor for trainee teachers. As a long-standing member of the school development team, he played a decisive role in shaping the school’s educational concept.
“After 25 years of service, you can still say that you feel very comfortable at our school and that you enjoy your work. We really appreciate your work and you enjoy an excellent reputation in the curative education facilities. Thank you for your commitment,” says Doris Schulte-Schwering.