BVJ and BF1 back in Italy

Monday, 19.02.2024

Today, Monday, 19.02.2024, the BVJ-BF1-Italy-Erasmus project of the BBS Alice Solomon Linz started into the second round, after the pilot phase from the previous year 2023 was crowned with success. First, the group of educators, consisting of 9 educators from FSS22A, FSS22B and FSSTB21, welcomed the group of participants from 11 different BVJ and BF1 classes. These participants, accompanied and supported by the group of educators, are to complete and successfully master a three-week work placement in Vicenza, Italy. This will be preceded by a two-week preparatory phase at the school in Linz am Rhein.

After a brief welcome and introductory words from the group of educators and Mr. Becker, the Erasmus coordinator and head of the BVJ department, the focus was on getting to know each other. The principal, Ms. Schulte-Schwering, also visited the project group and expressed her congratulations and wishes for success. In addition to various games to get to know each other, the participants dealt with their wishes and fears regarding the internship. Last but not least, we reflected on the day and our impressions in a final round, bringing the first project day to a successful close. With this in mind: “Benvenuti! Vicenza, here we come.”

Today, Monday, February 19, 2024, the BVJ-BF1-Italy-Erasmus project of the Alice Salomon School BBS Linz launched into its second round, following the successful pilot phase of the previous year 2023. First, the educator group, consisting of 9 educators from FSS22A, FSS22B, and FSSTB21, welcomed the group of participants from 11 different BVJ and BF1 classes. These participants, accompanied and supported by the educator group, are to complete and successfully master a three-week internship in Vicenza, Italy. This is preceded by a two-week preparation phase at the school campus in Linz am Rhein. After a brief welcome and introductory words from the educator group and Mr. Becker, the Erasmus coordinator and BVJ department head, the focus was on getting to know each other. The school principal, Mrs. Schulte-Schwering, also visited the project group and extended her congratulations and best wishes for success to the group. In addition to various icebreaker games, the participants discussed their wishes and fears regarding the internship. Finally, in a closing session, we reflected on the day’s events and impressions, marking the successful completion of the first day of the project. In this spirit: “Benvenuti! Vicenza, here we come.”

Oggi, lunedì 19 febbraio 2024, il progetto BVJ-BF1-Italia-Erasmus della Alice Salomon School BBS Linz è entrato nella sua seconda fase, dopo che la fase pilota dell’anno precedente 2023 è stata coronata da successo. Innanzitutto, il gruppo di educatori, composto da 9 educatori provenienti da FSS22A, FSS22B e FSSTB21, ha dato il benvenuto al gruppo di partecipanti provenienti da 11 diverse classi di BVJ e BF1. Questi partecipanti, accompagnati e supportati dal gruppo di educatori, dovranno completare e superare con successo uno stage di tre settimane a Vicenza, in Italia. Questo è preceduto da una fase di preparazione di due settimane presso il campus scolastico di Linz am Rhein. Dopo un breve benvenuto e le parole introduttive del gruppo di educatori e del signor Becker, coordinatore Erasmus e capo del dipartimento BVJ, l’attenzione è stata focalizzata sul conoscersi reciprocamente. Also the president of the school, Mrs. Schulte-Schwering, visited the group of the project and congratulated and congratulated the group on their success. Oltre a vari giochi per rompere il ghiaccio, i partecipanti hanno discusso dei loro desideri e paure riguardanti lo stage. In addition, in a session of chiusura, abbiamo riflettuto sugli eventi e le impressioni della giornata, segnando il completamento con successo del primo giorno del progetto. In this spirit: “Benvenuti! Vicenza, eccoci qua.”

Wednesday, the 21.02.2024

After checking attendance, today, Wednesday, 21.02.24, started as usual with a warm-up game to get the participants in the mood for the rest of the day. Immediately afterwards, the participants split into subgroups to draw up packing lists for their stay abroad. After the first break, we discussed the individual results together on the podium and recorded them in a binding packing list. Mr. Gießwein, a teacher at BBS Alice Salomon, was present for the rest of the day and supported us with our questions and concerns. After posting the packing list, we asked the participants which games they might already know and would like to play again in the group. Until the next break, the course of the day was shaped by the games chosen by the participants themselves. The next organizational point of the day was the detailed discussion of the outward and return journey. We clarified all existing questions as far as possible and agreed on a common meeting point for the day of departure. The rest of the day consisted of various team-building games such as the Tower of Power. The day ended as usual with a final reflection and discussion of the next day.

After checking attendance, today, Wednesday, 21.02.24, started as usual with a warm-up game to prepare the participants for the rest of the day. Immediately after, the participants divided into subgroups to create packing lists for the trip abroad. After the first break, we discussed the individual results together on stage and recorded them in a binding packing list. Mr. Gießwein, a teacher from Alice-Salomon-Schule Linz, attended the events for the rest of the day and supported us with our questions and concerns. After posting the packing list, we asked the participants which games they might already know and would like to play again in the group. Until the next break, the day unfolded with the participants’ chosen games. The next organizational point of the day was a detailed discussion of the itinerary for the outward and return journey. We clarified most of the existing questions and agreed on a meeting point for the day of departure. The rest of the day consisted of various team-building games such as the Tower of Power. The day ended as usual with a final reflection and discussion of the next day.

Dopo aver controllato la presenza, oggi, mercoledì, 21.02.24, è iniziato come al solito con un gioco di riscaldamento per preparare i partecipanti al resto della giornata. Subito dopo, i partecipanti si sono divisi in sotto-gruppi per creare liste di imballaggio per il viaggio all’estero. Dopo la prima pausa, abbiamo discusso insieme sul palco i risultati individuali e li abbiamo registrati in una lista di imballaggio vincolante. Il signor Gießwein, un insegnante dell’Alice-Salomon-Schule Linz, ha partecipato agli eventi per il resto della giornata e ci ha supportato con le nostre domande e preoccupazioni. After publishing the list of participants, we told the participants who they already knew and wanted to play in groups. Fino alla pausa successiva, la giornata si è svolta con i giochi scelti dai partecipanti. The next organizational point of the day was a detailed discussion of the itinerary for the journey from there and back. We clarified most of the existing questions and agreed on a meeting point for the day of the meeting. The rest of the day was dedicated to various team-building games such as the Tower of Power. La giornata è terminata come al solito con una riflessione finale e la discussione del giorno successivo.

Thursday, the 22.02.2024

The team of supervisors met at 7:30 a.m. to make all the necessary preparations for the day. As some participants were late due to bus and train, we had to wait for the others until around 08:15 before starting the day with the warm-up memory game “Zip-Zap”. After the game, we split up into small groups and the students were asked to answer four questions on a piece of paper and write their names on the paper so that we could take the students’ wishes, insecurities and concerns seriously and support them as best we could.

The pupils were also asked to write their concerns on colorful cards. Before we went to the Kulturkeller, Mr. Meichsner took two different group photos of us in the schoolyard. Then we went into the Kulturkeller to play the game “Where’s bloody Gandalf”. In this game, all participants had to stop abruptly after the announcement: “Where’s bloody Gandalf”, but at the same time try to reach and catch Gandalf. The caller then had to guess who was holding the Gandalf.

After this game, there was a thirty-minute break and the students received two hours of Italian lessons from Mr. Becker after the break. During the Italian lessons, we retired to another classroom to discuss further organizational matters, such as the allocation of students and teachers, and to draw up the room plan for Vicenza.

After finishing our planning and the Italian lesson, we returned to the classroom to inform the students about the distribution of the reference teachers. This was followed by a reflection session and the students went home. Afterwards, we met with Mr. Becker to clarify any open questions and later to continue working together without Mr. Becker on further organizational issues and to finalize the room plan for the three apartments for the first week.

The supervisory team already met at 7:30 a.m. to make all necessary preparations for today. Since some participants were delayed due to bus and train, we had to wait until around 8:15 a.m. for the others to arrive to start the day with the warm-up memory game “Zip-Zap.” After the game, we divided into small groups, and the students were asked to answer four questions on a piece of paper and write their names on it, so that we can take the wishes, uncertainties, and concerns of the students seriously and support them as best as possible. These four questions were: […]. Additionally, the students were asked to write their concerns on colorful cards again. Before heading to the cultural cellar, Mr. Meichsner took two different group photos of us in the schoolyard. Then, we went to the cultural cellar to play the game “Where the hell is Gandalf.” In this game, all participants had to stop abruptly after the announcement: “Where the hell is Gandalf,” but at the same time try to reach and catch Gandalf. The announcer then had to guess who has Gandalf in their hands. After this game, there was a thirty-minute break, and the students received two hours of Italian lessons from Mr. Becker. During the Italian lessons, we withdrew to another classroom to discuss further organizational matters, such as the distribution of students and reference educators, and to create the room plan for Vicenza. After finishing our planning and Italian lessons, we returned to the classroom to inform the students about the distribution of reference educators. This was followed by a reflection round, and then the students went home. Subsequently, we met with Mr. Becker to clarify any remaining questions and later worked together without Mr. Becker on further organizational issues and finally decided on the room plan for the three apartments for the first week.

Il team di supervisione si è già incontrato alle 7:30 del mattino per fare tutte le preparazioni necessarie per oggi. Dato che alcuni partecipanti hanno avuto ritardi a causa a causa di autobus e treni, abbiamo dovuto aspettare fino alle circa 8:15 per gli altri arrivare e iniziare la giornata con il gioco di riscaldamento della memoria “Zip-Zap”. After the game, we were divided into small groups and the students were asked to respond to four questions on a sheet of paper and write their names in order to be able to take seriously their wishes, concerns and worries and support them in the best possible way. These quattro domande erano: […]. Inoltre, agli studenti è stato chiesto di scrivere ancora una volta le loro preoccupazioni su carte colorate. Before arriving at the cantina culturale, Mr. Meichsner took two photos of various groups of us in the school hall. Poi siamo andati nella cantina culturale per giocare a “Dov’è diavolo Gandalf”. In this game, all the participants had to improvise after the announcement: “Dov’è diavolo Gandalf”, but at the same time try to catch and kill Gandalf. L’annunciatore doveva quindi indovinare chi aveva Gandalf tra le mani. After this game, there was a break of trenta minutes, and the students received due hours of Italian lessons from Mr. Becker. During the Italian lessons, we met in another classroom to discuss other organizational issues, such as the distribution of students and teachers, and to create the piano of the stanza for Vicenza. Once we had completed our training and Italian lessons, we went into class to inform the students about the distribution of teachers. A ciò è seguita una sessione di riflessione, dopodiché gli studenti sono tornati a casa. Successivamente, ci siamo incontrati con il signor Becker per chiarire eventuali domande rimanenti e in seguito abbiamo lavorato insieme senza il signor Becker su ulteriori questioni organizzative e alla finale abbiamo deciso il piano della stanza per i tre appartamenti per la prima settimana.

Monday, the 26.02.2024

We started the new week at 08:20 with the fun game “Tick Tack Boom!”, preceded by the routine meeting of the supervisor team at 07:30. In the “Tik Tak Boom!” game, each player first drew a card with individual terms or situations from everyday life on it. After the cards were drawn, a plastic “bomb” was passed around, which ticked and eventually went boom. The person with the bomb read the term on their card out loud and each person in turn had to quickly say a suitable word that was directly related to the topic. The “bomb” was continuously passed around and the aim was for the “bomb” not to “explode” on you, otherwise you would be eliminated from the circle of chairs. There were many funny moments and word creations during the game. The game was a lot of fun for everyone and brought the group a little closer together.

After the game, the students’ eagerly awaited room assignments were announced. After this, the supervisors and their reference students spread out around the house to enable the students to have one-to-one conversations with their reference teacher and to discuss any unanswered questions. After the reference talks, two lessons of Italian were given by Mr. Becker and the team of supervisors met in another classroom to discuss and plan the following days.

After a break, we all gathered again in the circle of chairs and we announced the bad news to the group, which triggered emotional outbursts from some of the students. Miranda and Amelie took care of the girls in the corridor who were in an emotional state of emergency. After the girls had calmed down again, we held a short reflection session at the end. The reflection round was understandably rather negative for the day, as almost all of the students did not agree with the reassignment of some of the rooms. After saying goodbye to the students, the team of supervisors met again to make progress with the planning for the parents’ evening the day after tomorrow and to include further points in the planning.

We started the new week at 08:20 a.m. with the fun game “Tick Tack Boom!”; beforehand, the routine meeting of the supervisory team took place at 07:30 a.m. In the game “Tick Tack Boom!”, all players initially drew a card each containing individual terms or everyday situations. After drawing the cards, a plastic “bomb” was passed around, ticking and eventually going boom at some point. The person holding the bomb would then read the term on their card aloud, and everyone had to quickly say a related word one after the other. The “bomb” continued to be passed around, and the goal was to avoid being the one left holding it when it “exploded”, as that meant being eliminated from the circle of chairs. Many funny moments and word creations arose during the game. The game brought joy to everyone and brought the group closer together. After the game, the eagerly anticipated room assignments, already awaited by the students, were communicated. Following this, the supervisors dispersed throughout the house with their assigned students to facilitate individual conversations with their assigned educators and discuss any open questions. After the individual conversations, two hours of Italian lessons led by Mr. Becker followed, and the supervisory team gathered in another classroom to discuss and plan for the upcoming days. After a break, we all gathered again in the circle of chairs, and we announced the bad news to the group, triggering emotional outbursts in some of the students. Miranda and Amelie took care of the girls who were in an emotional state in the hallway. Once the girls had calmed down, we concluded with a short reflection session. Understandably, the reflection session was rather negative for today, as almost all students were not in favor of the new room assignments. After saying goodbye to the students, the supervisory team met again to advance the planning for the parents’ evening scheduled for the day after tomorrow and to include additional points in the planning.

Abbiamo iniziato la nuova settimana alle 08:20 con il divertente gioco “Tick Tack Boom!”; in precedenza, si è tenuto alle 07:30 il consueto incontro del team di supervisori. Nel gioco “Tick Tack Boom!”, tutti i giocatori hanno inizialmente estratto una carta contenente termini individuali o situazioni quotidiane. Dopo l’estrazione delle carte, è stata passata una “bomba” di plastica, ticchettante e che alla fine esplodeva in un certo momento. La person che teneva la bomba avrebbe quindi letto ad alta voce il termine sulla propria carta, e ognuno doveva dire rapidamente una parola correlata uno dopo l’altro. La “bomba” è continuata a passare di mano, e l’obiettivo era evitare di rimanere con essa quando “esplodeva”, poiché ciò significava essere eliminati dal cerchio di sedie. During the game, there were many moments of division and creation of words. Il gioco ha portato gioia a tutti e ha avvicinato il gruppo. Dopo il gioco, sono state comunicate le assegnazioni delle stanze, tanto attese dagli studenti. Successivamente, i supervisori sono dispersi per la casa con i propri studenti assegnati per facilitare conversazioni individuali con i propri educatori assegnati e discutere eventuali domande aperte. Dopo le conversazioni individuali, sono seguite due ore di lezioni di italiano tenute dal signor Becker, e il team di supervisione si è riunito in un’altra aula per discutere e pianificare i giorni a venire. After a break, we reconvened in the classroom, and we announced the brutal note to the group, sending emotional shivers down the spines of some of the students. Miranda e Amelie si sono occupate delle ragazze in uno stato emotivo nel corridoio. Una volta che le ragazze si sono calmate, abbiamo concluso con una breve sessione di riflessione. To be on the safe side, the rifle session was quite negative for now, as almost all the students were not fond of the new ways of doing things. After having welcomed the students, the supervision team has reconvened in order to advance the development of the gender study planned for dopodomani and to include other points in the development.

Tuesday, the 27.02.2024

On 27.02.2024, we prepared tomorrow’s parents’ evening with the young people. We divided the young people into different groups for this. Marie is preparing the room with decorations and a small buffet. One group takes care of the outward and return journey with all the dates and times. The next group presents the program, which includes planning excursions for the Saturdays. They also presented what the internship looks like for the students, the times and where the students are accommodated. They also discussed the shopping and meal plan in Vicenza. At the end, each group had to present their results. To relax, we played a round of Tick Tack Boom until the break. Then Mr. Becker gave an Italian lesson in the 5th hour and afterwards we reflected on the day.

We prepared tomorrow’s parents’ evening with the teenagers on 27.02.2024. We divided the teenagers into different groups. Marie is in charge of preparing the room with decorations and a small buffet. One group is taking care of the transportation details, including dates and times. The next group is presenting the program, which includes planning excursions for Saturdays. Additionally, they will explain the internship details for the students, including schedules and accommodations. Furthermore, they will address shopping and meal planning in Vicenza. At the end, each group had to present their results. To relax, we played a round of TikTak Boom until the break. Then, Mr. Becker had Italian lessons in the 5th hour, and afterwards, we reflected on the day.

Abbiamo preparato la serata dei genitori di domani con i ragazzi il 27.02.2024. Abbiamo diviso i ragazzi in diversi gruppi. Marie si occupa della preparazione della sala con decorazioni e un piccolo buffet. Un gruppo si occupa dei dettagli del trasporto, inclusi date e orari. Il gruppo successivo presenterà il programma, che include la pianificazione delle escursioni per i sabati. Inoltre, spiegheranno i dettagli dello stage per gli studenti, inclusi gli orari e gli alloggi. Inoltre, affronteranno la pianificazione degli acquisti e dei pasti a Vicenza. Alla finale, ogni gruppo doveva presentare i propri risultati. Per rilassarci, abbiamo giocato a una partita di TikTak Boom fino alla pausa. Poi, il signor Becker ha avuto lezioni di italiano nella 5a ora, e dopo abbiamo riflettuto sulla giornata.

Wednesday, the 28.02.2024

On 28.02.2024, we gathered together at the school at 12 noon. There we made the final preparations for the upcoming parents’ evening. The BVJ and BF1 students went shopping independently for the buffet at Edeka and Tedi and prepared the room and their presentation. At 5 p.m., the parents were welcomed by the reception team, accompanied to the prepared room and greeted. After the welcome, the program, which included the outward and return journey, stay, supplies, internship and program points, began. Afterwards, we also introduced ourselves to the parents, together with Mr. Becker and the social workers Mr. Meichsner and Ms. Härtel. The evening ended with a communicative exchange and eating the buffet together.


On 28.02.2024, we gathered together at 12 o’clock at the school. There, we made the final preparations for the upcoming parents’ evening. The students of BVJ and BF1 went shopping independently for the buffet at Edeka and Tedi, prepared the room, and prepared their moderation. At 5 o’clock, the parents were received by the reception team, escorted to the prepared room, and welcomed. After the welcome, the program, which includes travel, stay, provisions, internships, and program points, started. Afterwards, we also introduced ourselves to the parents, along with Mr. Becker and the social workers Mr. Meichsner and Mrs. Härtel. The evening ended with a communicative exchange and the shared meal of the buffet.


Il 28.02.2024 ci siamo riuniti insieme alle 12 nella scuola. Lì abbiamo fatto gli ultimi preparativi per la serata dei genitori imminente. Gli studenti del BVJ e del BF1 sono andati a fare acquisti in modo indipendente per il buffet da Edeka e Tedi, hanno preparato la stanza e la loro moderazione. All 17, i genitori sono stati accolti dal team di accoglienza, scortati nella stanza preparata e accolti. Dopo il benvenuto, è iniziato il programma, che include viaggi, soggiorno, rifornimenti, stage e punti del programma. Successivamente, ci siamo presentati anche ai genitori, insieme al signor Becker e agli assistenti sociali signor Meichsner e signora Härtel. La serata è terminata con uno scambio comunicativo e il pasto condiviso del buffet.

Thursday, the 29.02.2024

Today was a productive day in our residential group, strengthening the community and cooperation between counselors and students. The day began with a warm welcome to all students and counselors, followed by a joint meeting to establish a set of rules for the apartments. In this discussion, we developed clear rules regarding cleanliness, privacy and interaction in common areas such as the bathroom, kitchen and personal rooms. Drawing up this set of rules enables a respectful and cooperative living atmosphere. We then gathered in the gym to play a ball game together. This sporting activity not only provided physical exercise, but also promoted team spirit and integration among the students. Afterwards, the residential groups were split up to hold individual meetings. In these groups, issues relating to the organization of daily meals were discussed. This included determining breakfast, lunch and dinner, drawing up shopping lists, clarifying who is responsible for shopping, who cooks and how cleanliness tasks are distributed in the individual apartments. The lunch break allowed a relaxed time for all students and supervisors before we concentrated on cleaning the apartments. The division of cleaning tasks was discussed in the groups to establish clear responsibilities for the cleanliness of the apartments.

At the end of the day, we said goodbye and had a final discussion together. Any concerns or questions were discussed and arrangements made for the coming days. Overall, the day was characterized by constructive discussions, joint activities and a strong sense of community.

Today was a productive day in our residential group, strengthening the community and collaboration between caregivers and students. The day began with a warm welcome from all students and caregivers, followed by a joint session to establish a set of rules for the residences. In this discussion, we formulated clear rules regarding cleanliness, privacy, and conduct in communal areas such as bathrooms, kitchens, and personal rooms. Creating this set of rules fosters a respectful and cooperative living atmosphere. Subsequently, we gathered in the gym for a collectiveball game. This sport activity not only served for physical exercise but also promoted teamwork and integration among the students.

Afterwards, the residential groups were divided for individual meetings. In these groups, we discussed issues related to the organization of daily meals. This included planning breakfast, lunch, and dinner, creating shopping lists, clarifying who is responsible for shopping, who cooks, and how cleaning tasks are distributed in each residence. The lunch break provided a relaxed time for all students and caregivers before we focused on cleaning the residences. The division of cleaning tasks was discussed in groups to establish clear responsibilities for cleanliness in the residences.

Finally, a farewell took place where we conducted the collective wrap-up discussion of the day. During this meeting, any concerns or questions were addressed, and arrangements for the coming days were made. Overall, the day was marked by constructive discussions, communal activities, and a strong sense of community.

Oggi è stata una giornata produttiva nella nostra residenza, che ha rafforzato la comunità e la collaborazione tra operatori e studenti. The day began with a warm welcome from all the students and operators, followed by a joint meeting to stabilize a regulation for the residences. During this discussion, we drew up clear rules to ensure hygiene, privacy and comfort in communal areas such as the bathroom, kitchen and personal areas. The creation of this regulation favors an atmosphere of a relaxed and collaborative life.

Successivamente, ci siamo riuniti nella palestra per un gioco di squadra con la palla. This sporting activity has not only promoted physical activity, but has also fostered the team spirit and integration between the students. After this, the residences were divided to hold individual meetings. In these groups, questions were discussed concerning the organization of the pastoral activities, including the planning of meals, the prancing and the catering, the compilation of the lists of expenses, the responsibility for the purchases, the catering and the distribution of responsibilities for the maintenance of individual residences. The pause pranzo has offered a moment of relaxation for all students and operators, before concentrating on the maintenance of the residences. The division of responsibilities for cleaning was discussed among the groups in order to stabilize the responsibility for cleaning the residences.

In addition, a meeting was held during which we held a final discussion of the day. During this meeting, we addressed any problems or questions and agreed on the arrangements for the coming days. As a whole, the day was characterized by fruitful discussions, joint activities and a strong sense of community.