Crowning finale to our international cooking project
On Thursday, 16.11.23, two eventful weeks at BBS Alice Salomon came to a provisional climax. After the school had taken part in the state visit of Frank Walter Steinmeier and the Finnish President Sauli Niinistö to Unkel in the morning, our Finnish and Swedish guests as well as our students from the Höhere Berufsfachschule Ernährung und Versorgung (HBFEV) were able to demonstrate their culinary skills once again in the evening.
Around 60 people enjoyed the specialties of the three countries and had a good time that evening. Principal Doris Schulte-Schwering was delighted to welcome many colleagues and the school management team as well as numerous external guests, including Frank Becker, the Mayor of the Linz Association of Municipalities, Dr. Hans Georg Faust, the Mayor of the City of Linz, Pastor Schwägermann from the Protestant Trinitatis Church in Bad Hönningen, Mrs. Dech from the Catholic Church in Linz, Mr. Scott Krause and his wife, Mrs. Wördemann from the Willy Brandt Forum in Unkel and Mr. and Mrs. Hilcher, the school parent representatives of BBS Alice Salomon.
The highlight of the evening was the ceremonial presentation of the certificates. Erasmus coordinator Henning Becker presented the 35 learners involved in the project with a certificate, which they proudly accepted. The following were recognized for their special commitment:
Thea Viitala from Sweden, Minni Lehtatie from Finland and Hanan Sidou from BBS Alice Salomon.

And of course he also thanked his colleagues, without whom none of this would have been possible: Daniela Haase and Marie Therese Syllwasschy from the ASS, Sanna Valtonen and Marika Koski from Finland and Jolanda Edvardsson and Matthias Lennartsson from Sweden.

At the end of the evening, everyone was full and satisfied and also a little exhausted after these eventful two weeks. The guests expressed their great appreciation for the successful evening and the fantastic achievements at the Alice Salomon School. “We would like to continue working with the school in the area of political education,” said Scott Krause and Sarah Wördemann from the Willy Brandt Forum.
The fact that this extraordinary project was able to come about is thanks to the great commitment and organizational talent of Henning Becker, our Erasmus coordinator. “Many thanks to you, dear Henning,” says Doris Schulte-Schwering.