BVJ-S wins 3rd place in Tabula Rasa campaign

“Tabula Rasa – is that German?” was the pupils’ first question when they were introduced to the Neuwied district administration’s waste management campaign. The aim of the campaign was to collect garbage together and thus make our home cleaner. The two classes of the BVJ-S of the BBS Alice Salomon in Neuwied collected more than 150 kg of garbage on July 13, 2022 – and that was just on the grounds around the school. One student reports: “It’s unbelievable what we found – even an old car tire and a bicycle without wheels.”

The classes agreed that collecting garbage was even fun and reported that since then they have been much more careful when walking through the city and the countryside and are no longer afraid to bend down, pick up garbage and take it to the nearest garbage can.
Their efforts have now been rewarded. With the amount of garbage they collected, they took third place in the garbage collection campaign and won prize money of 500 euros for a sustainable project. The BVJS would like to use the money to go on excursions that bring the pupils even closer to the topics of environmental protection and recycling.