Now it’s getting colorful

“Using art to reach and inspire, to touch and be remembered.” This is how Steffen Tschuck from Koblenz describes his work as a graffiti artist. The work with Mr. Tschuk of the BVJ-S A 22 class will certainly be remembered. In the BVJ-S at BBS Alice Salomon, pupils with a migration background from more than 10 different countries learn German together.
In July 2022, they took part in a multi-day workshop with Steffen Tschuck to learn the basics of using a spray can and then designed three large partition walls.

The campaign was organized by the Internationaler Bund (IB) as part of the 2P Plus funding project of the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Education.
One pupil says: “First we learned how to use the colors with Mr. Tschuck. Then we were allowed to design motifs and practise in teams on partition walls. Our motto was to be: Peace in the world and environmental protection. At the next workshop, we all sprayed the large partitions together. It was a lot of fun.”
The impressive work of art (approx. 2 m high and 6 m long) has now been installed in the cafeteria at the Neuwied school.