Delegation visit to Pori, Finland

While spring was showing its best side in Germany and temperatures in many places were scratching the 20 degree mark, the delegation from BBS Alice Salomon, who visited the school partner network Sataedu in Pori as part of the school and further development program, had to pack thick coats because winter (also known as the Finnish spring – “not that cold”) was due to return. Sataedu was visited by the SQV delegation (School Quality Understanding), consisting of school management member Werner Schnell, Erasmus coordinator Henning Becker and SQV members Jenny Trittin, Birgül Özen and Marco Gilles on the very first learning trip for education staff after the long compulsory CoViD-19 break.
The pandemic has hit both institutions and their Erasmus Plus program hard, almost bringing them to a standstill, and so both partners were delighted and surprised to discover that BBS Alice Salomon were actually the last guests before CoViD-19 and the first guests after the pandemic forced break.

The subject of our visit was not only the various training professions and the organizational structure of Sataedu, but also a multi-day exchange on a central component of the school’s internal development, digitalization and sustainable development. In addition to many best practice examples, the team also worked on interfaces that could enrich both institutions. A continuation of the initial joint steps on the shared digital learning platform Moodle was agreed as a target.

The curricular vocational level was not neglected either. During job shadowing in Olavin Kuolu and Friitala Kuolu in Ulvila and in Sataedu in Harjavalta, our colleagues from the vocational schools for curative education, general studies and social pedagogy were able to gain important impressions that opened up new perspectives and opportunities for their own professional activities and enriched them with new curricular strategies. These impulses will certainly help the training at the BBS Alice Salomon.
We were also able to define important milestones for an upcoming KA2 project at coordination level, discover commonalities and thus develop content-related interfaces. Nothing now stands in the way of a new EU project with partners from our successful cooperation network and learning from each other – European Peer Education.
Here are a few more links to interesting projects from our partners on the subject of digitalization and sustainability and
The project European Peer Education at the BBS Alice Salomon Linz/Neuwied is funded by the European Union as part of the Erasmus Plus program.