Michael Devesa, our new ADD consultant, at the Alice Salomon School

From left: Doris Schulte-Schwering (SL), Yvonne Bachem (SL), Marco Gilles (ÖPR), Michael Devesa (ADD), Werner Schnell (SL), Elmar Kanschik (SL), Stephan Kappesz (SL) and Holger Waldecker (SL)
On Thursday, 24.11.22, our new ADD consultant Michael Devesa visited our school. In a trusting and fruitful discussion, which was attended by the school management team and staff council chairman Marco Gilles, principal Doris Schulte-Schwering explained the school’s mission statement and educational concept, and the next steps for the future were discussed together.
The conclusion of the two-and-a-half-hour meeting: “We are looking forward to working with Michael Devesa!”