We dissect a heart

As part of their basic vocational training, the BF1 students specializing in health / nursing dissected a real heart in class. This first required an intensive study of the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system…
The heart is at the center of the cardiovascular system. It is not called the “engine of life” for nothing, because without the heart, humans are not viable. Anatomical structures – veins, arteries, ventricles, atria, heart valves, etc. – should be known before such a project.
The students therefore dealt with the tasks and functions of the “human pump” and expanded their technical skills in connection with blood circulation and various cardiovascular diseases.
Finally, they organized 13 hearts from animals, which they dissected step by step. This enabled them to deepen their anatomical knowledge, transfer the already known components of the heart and its complex interrelationships to the original and better understand physiological and pathological processes in the heart.