BVJ-S achieves third place in “Tabula Rasa” campaign

Great success for the language vocational preparation year The BVJ-S took third place in this year’s “Tabula Rasa” campaign in Neuwied and was delighted to receive prize money of 400 euros. The award ceremony took place last Tuesday and was attended by Ms. Raabe and two dedicated BVJ-S students. The award was presented personally by […]

BF 1 visits photo exhibition Soul Depths

The students of BF1EV24a are working on the topic of identity as part of their ethics course and visited the Seelentiefen photo exhibition at the ASD day care center in Linz on Tuesday, 08.10.24. The young people used the comfortably designed rooms of the day care center to engage intensively with the 19 black and […]

Happy at our school?

How happy are the students at BBS Alice Salomon? The BVJ-S A class wanted to know! The vocational preparation year for language (BVJ-S A 24) wanted to know how satisfied students at BBS Alice Salomon are! To this end, they conducted interviews with various students at our school. Listen for yourself!

Fancy some housekeeping?

Source: Flatt, Beatrix: With passion and self-confidence to success. Infodienst, 02/2024, page 24+25, Berufsverband Hauswirtschaft e.V., Weinstadt.

Berlin – more than just a school trip

The 17 students from the Alice Salomon Vocational School 1 Health/Nursing course at BBS Alice Salomon in Linz enjoyed an unforgettable class trip to the vibrant German capital from June 11 to 14. They were supervised by dedicated teachers Claudia Scheidt and Holger Waldecker. The trip began with a fascinating city tour on the first […]

First ESD spring festival in the history of BBS Alice Salomon

On Thursday, 25.04.2024, the time had come – the BBS Alice Salomon school community celebrated its first spring festival on the topic of “Education for Sustainable Development”. On this day, all of the school’s classes and students presented the projects they had carried out on the topic of “sustainability” over the course of the year. […]

Using media in the daycare center, but competently and creatively

How can you create an interesting word puzzle with children using pictures, an iPad and a simple app? And how could you use an iPad as a tool with children to create short animated films about children’s stories? These were just two of the questions that the 2nd-year part-time vocational school for social work investigated […]

Curative education nurse and curative education nurse

Why do you actually need them? What is a curative education nurse, what is a curative education nurse and why do you actually need one? Democracy Day took place at the Alice Salomon School on November 9. On this day, all classes dealt with the topic of democracy. Democracy is when all people in a […]

Vocational school I Nursing on reflection days in Jünkerath

The BF1GP23e of the BBS Alice Salomon in Linz, school location Neuwied, made its way to Jünkerath with twelve female and three male students as part of a familiarization trip from 22.11 to 24.11.2023. The class leadership team, consisting of Ms. Claudia Scheidt and Mr. Holger Waldecker, accompanied the trip to the Don Bosco meeting […]

The care experts are in demand!

We shoot an explanatory video! The BFPF21 trainees are in the first year of their nursing training and have already gained their first nursing experience in their practical assignments. In each school block, the trainees learn new content so that they can provide better nursing care to patients in practice. In this school block, the […]

Recognizing violence in everyday life

Curative care trainees at BBS Alice Salomon raise awareness of everyday violence in social relationships as part of a professional skills training course Violence is generally defined as a physically or mentally damaging effect on other people. However, violence does not only begin when blows are actually dealt or clear signs of psychological oppression appear. […]