Schoolgirls invited to the award ceremony in the state parliament

On April 23, 5 students from BF1d were honored in the state parliament in Mainz for 2nd place in the student and youth competition of the State Center for Political Education. Their mini-podcaston the topic of LGBTQ+, created in ethics lessons under the supervision of Ms. Podsiadly, won over the jury. As part of a […]

BOS II visits the House of History in Bonn

On 9 November 2023, Democracy Day, BOS 2 visited the exhibition at the Haus der Geschichte in Bonn. Visit the exhibition The exhibition began with the Second World War. From there, we went through the decades from the post-war period to the fall of the Berlin Wall. The images of the mass graves from the […]

Landtag goes Alice Salomon School!

On Wednesday, 28.02.2024, BBS Alice Salomon received a visit from the Deputy President of the State Parliament, Mr. Matthias Lammert, as part of the “State Parliament goes Vocational School” project. The visit was part of a multi-day state parliament program for vocational schools. Firstly, various workshops were offered for interested classes, such as “Letting off […]

Democracy Day

On November 9, 2022, the BBS Alice Salomon organized a Democracy Day. Here, all classes were able to spend a whole day dealing with the important topic of democracy. Many different ideas and projects were created, as each class approached the day in its own way. What was the result? Take a look for yourself!

State parliament goes vocational school

In January, BBS Alice Salomon and David-Roentgen-Schule took part in a pilot project organized by the state parliament. The aim of the project was to enable pupils to come into direct contact with politics. The project culminated in a graffiti workshop, the results of which were then discussed on site with Mr. Hendrik Hering, President […]

BVJ language for the Day of German Unity

With the help of a laying circle with texts in easy language, the BVJSa class, led by Ms. Pies, worked creatively on this complex topic of German history. The resulting posters can be admired in the classroom or in front of the staff room in Neuwied.

Getting involved – making a difference

Under this motto, committed children and young adults were honored for the fourth time as part of the Youth Commitment Competition. Photo: © State Chancellery RLP/ Pulkowski Youth engagement competition 2018 The competition, which was jointly launched by Minister President Malu Dreyer and the Bertelsmann Stiftung, aims to encourage young people to get involved in […]

BVJ working at the military cemetery in the West Eifel region

“I will never forget this school trip!” This is how one pupil from the vocational preparation year class assessed the four days in which the class was on a school trip or work assignment in the West Eifel region near the Luxembourg border. After several hours of driving to the small village of Daleiden, we […]

Money handed over after charity run for Ukraine

Fundraising campaign #hilfefürdieukraine at the BBS Alice Salomon The war between Russia and Ukraine has dominated the news for months. The attacks on various targets in Ukraine and the associated suffering have affected our school community. Many families are separated and lose their homes. For several months now, more and more Ukrainians have been seeking […]