Vocational school for nursing (BF P Berufsfachschule Pflege)

The new generalist nursing training program started in 2020. The previous vocational training courses in geriatric nursing, healthcare and nursing and healthcare and paediatric nursing were merged into a generalist training course leading to the vocational qualification of “Pflegefachfrau” or “Pflegefachmann”. This enables trainees to care for people of all ages in all areas of care (hospital, nursing home, outpatient care, etc.). After completing the generalist training, it is possible to change within the nursing care areas at any time. In addition, numerous further and advanced training courses as well as various nursing degree courses, some of which can be completed without a high school diploma, enable continuous career development. Due to the automatic recognition of the generalist vocational qualification, it is also valid in other EU member states.

  • Secondary school leaving certificate
  • Secondary school leaving certificate with at least two years of successfully completed vocational training
  • Secondary school certificate with at least one year of assistant or helper training in nursing (must meet certain conditions)
  • Successfully completed ten years of general school education
  • If you have a basic secondary school leaving certificate, you can join the specialist training program in conjunction with successfully completed nursing assistant training and 120 hours of external practical training, which is then shortened by one year.
  • 3 years
  • 2 years (with assistant or helper training)
  • The training is remunerated
  • Teaching and learning materials are provided free of charge by the institution
  • No school fees are payable for attending the nursing school
  • Assessment and determination of individual care needs and care planning
  • Organization, design and control of the care process
  • Implementation of care and documentation of the measures applied
  • Analysis, evaluation, assurance and development of the quality of care
  • Needs assessment and implementation of preventive and health-promoting measures
  • Advice, guidance and support for people in need of care in dealing with health and illness on an individual basis and in maintaining and strengthening independent living and everyday skills with the involvement of their social caregivers
  • Maintaining, restoring, promoting, activating and stabilizing the individual abilities of the people receiving care, particularly within the framework of rehabilitation concepts, as well as providing care and support for people with limited cognitive abilities
  • Initiation of immediate life-sustaining measures until the arrival of the doctor and implementation of measures in crisis and disaster situations
  • Guidance, advice and support for other professional groups and volunteers in the respective care contexts as well as participation in the practical training of healthcare professionals
  • Independent implementation of medically prescribed measures, in particular medical diagnostics, therapy or rehabilitation measures
  • professional communication and effective cooperation with other professional groups and individual, multidisciplinary and interprofessional solutions in the case of medical findings and

Vocational training is divided into an academic and a practical part.

School part

  • The theoretical and practical training takes place at the nursing school and lasts 2,100 hours.

Practical part

  • The practical training in the facilities is significantly more extensive at 2,500 hours.
  • The trainee concludes a training contract with the provider of the practical training (hospital, nursing home or outpatient nursing service).
  • As the training covers all areas of nursing care, parts of the practical training are carried out in other nursing care facilities.
  • Orientation assignment (first assignment at the provider of the practical training)
  • Compulsory inpatient acute care (hospital)
  • Compulsory assignment in inpatient long-term care (nursing home)
  • Mandatory outpatient care Mandatory pediatric care
  • Mandatory pediatric care
  • Mandatory use of psychiatric care
  • Other assignments (e.g. hospice, counseling centers, etc.)
  • In-depth assignment (last assignment at the provider of the practical training)
  • Nursing specialist
  • Geriatric nurse (with specialization in the care of the elderly in the last third of training)
  • Health and pediatric nurse (with specialization in the last third of training in the care of children)